A downloadable comic

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Content: The comic has a total of 82 pages completely done in color and fully detailed, and translated into both English and Spanish! This first part takes Cream as its first victim,

summary of the story: two days have passed after the kidnapping of Amy Rose, "could" the rabbit, leader of the mercenary gang group "the assasins hunters", has launched the operation to destroy the whole kidnapping thing of the girls from the roots, and has begun to mobilize his people for this purpose, once he discovered that those responsible belong to the organization of mercenaries called "the assassins", the sworn enemies of him and his entire group of hunters.  As his operation gets underway, the next victims to be kidnapped are Vanilla and Cream the Rabbit!


This is a +18 comic made by me on my patreon completely in English and Spanish,

The comic contains themes such as blood, rape, drugs, cum inflation, kidnapping among other things.

The comic does not incite or promote imitating the actions of obviously the BAD GUYS in the story, they are fictional characters in a fictional story. and should not be taken seriously at any time, enjoy the comic as you wish as long as you remember the above mentioned

If you want to support my content to continue creating things like this. please. do it on my patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EXsoul

you can see also all my social links here: https://allmylinks.com/ex-star-the-creator


contenido: el comic tiene un total de 82 paginas completamente hechas a color  y full detallado, y traducidas tanto al ingles como al español! esta primera parte toma como primera victima a cream,

resumen de la historia: dos dias han pasado tras el secuestro de amy rose, "could" the rabbit, lider del grupo por organizado de mercenarios "los cazadores de asesinos" se ha puesto en marcha con la operacion de destruir todo el asunto del secuestro de las chicas desde la raiz, y ha empezado a movilizar a su gente para tal proposito, una vez descubierto de que los responsables pertenecen a la organizacion de mercenarios llamados "los asesinos" sus enemigos jurados de el y todo su grupo de cazadores.  mientras su operacion se pone en curso, las siguientes victimas en ser secuestradas, son vanilla y cream the rabbit! 

ADVERTENCIA: este es un comic +18 hecho por mi en mi patreon completamente en ingles y español,

el comic contiene temas como sangre, violacion, drogas, secuestro, y inflacion de leche. entre otras cosas. 

el comic no incita ni promueve imitar las acciones de obviamente de LOS TIPOS MALOS de la historia, son personajes ficticios en una historia ficticia. y no debe tomarse en serio en ningun momento, disfruta dle comic como tu desees siempre y cuando recuerdes lo anterior mencionado 

si quieres apoyar mi contenido para seguir creando cosas asi. por favor. hazlo en mi patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EXsoul

tambien puedes ver todas mis redes sociales aqui: https://allmylinks.com/ex-star-the-creator


Buy Now$80.00 USD or more

In order to download this comic you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $80 USD. You will get access to the following files:

ALLEY OF SEX2 - 2 part 1 ENGLISH.rar 134 MB
CALLEJON DEL SEXO 2 parte 1 - ESPAÑOL.rar 134 MB


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(1 edit)

Well, I just hope Could will be able to save the girls and end the criminal careers of those rapists. I feel so sorry for Amy, Cream, and Vanilla. I hope Sally and Blaze won’t be next. If he can’t save them now, we’ll see in Chapter 3, if there will be one.